Sunday, December 9, 2018

Can We Make It Rain?

Team Couloir students have been exploring elements of the Water Cycle. Most recently they explored the phenomena of 'can we make it rain?'. Be sure to ask your child which part of their experiment created the most condensation.

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Goodsell Ridge Preserve, Isle LaMotte

Another gorgeous Fall day. Another awesome Geology field trip. Students rotated through fossil stations, a geologic walking timeline, and the visitor's center. Thank you Kim Rubin, and Lupe Sears for joining us as chaperones.

Friday, October 5, 2018

Cantilever Rock Hike

We had a perfect Fall day to hike to Cantilever Rock today. Thank you Dagan Wolcott, Kim Donovan, Gina Zabilansky, Kim Cleary, and Julie Keller for chaperoning today.
Many people along the trail remarked on how happy the students sounded. We saw and heard lots of examples of teamwork and cheerleading along the way.