Friday, May 27, 2016

Conservation Day at Ethan Allen Homestead(late :))

On May 18th, we took part in 'Conservation Day'. Students rotated through various stations including worm composting, VINS, storm water pollution, fly tying, endangered species jeopardy, to name a few. Please be sure to ask you child about this great experience.

Monday, May 23, 2016

Watershed Alliance

Today, Team Couloir went down to the Browns River to look at the overall health of the river. Students rotated through three stations; looking at and identifying macroinvertebrate, looking at water quality through a dissolved oxygen test and pH test, and finally a look at embeddness and turbidity. 
Be sure to ask you child what they found out about the health of the Browns River.

Monday, May 9, 2016

Lake Champlain Community Sailing Center

Mother nature cooperated with us today. While it was a bit chilly, fun was had by all on and off the water at The Lake Champlain Community Sailing Center. Thank you to Brande Smith, Gina Howard and Daphne Tanis who helped to chaperone.