Tuesday, January 26, 2016

We had a great day today! We began with skating at Cairn's Arena. While there, students performed the skits they had planned, demonstrating Newton's Three Laws. We then went to Fleming Museum and learned about the Native American Exhibit and worked on a small art project, Thank you to the many chaperon's who were very supportive(literally); Rebecca Flewelling, Kelley Newell-Rentz, Nikki Yandow, Allison Surks, Carol Sullivan Scott Brown, Tim Brisbin, Lisa Magnuson, Elisa Polli, Jena Medina, Jessica Adams and Robyn Mundell.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Calculating Speed(and Sledding!)

Last week the new snow brought us a great opportunity to take our science learning outside. At Mills River we used the student driven question, 'will a sled with more mass go faster than one with less mass?' to 'drive' our learning. Students will work this week to put the data on Google sheets, create a graph and draw a conclusion based on the evidence they gathered. Fun was had by all!