Friday, October 23, 2015

Visit to The Audubon

Today, Team Couloir students learned to orient a map and use a compass with a map to navigate an orienteering course at the Audubon Center. Thank you to our chaperones; Alison Surks, Jessica Dion, Wendy Tomlinson, Carol Sullivan and Daphne Tanis. Be sure to ask your child tonight about 'Fred in the shed'.

Design Challenge During Theme Time

During 'Theme Time ' today, students worked in small groups on two different 'Design Tech' challenges. 1) paper tower challenge, 2) the slowest marble. Please be sure to ask your child about both of these great activities.

Mystery Skype

Today Team Couloir took part in a mystery Skype. This is where we ask Yes/no questions to an unknown, 'mystery', classroom in an effort to determine where they are from and vice versa. Some questions our class asked: 'are you East of the Prime Meridian?', 'do you have Cacti for plants?' 'Do you live near the Atlantic Ocean?', 'are you land locked?'. The class we worked with was from Mississippi.

Monday, October 19, 2015

A Conversation About Bullying and Harrassment

This morning Mr. Martin(guidance) and Mr. Hamilton visited us during CPR to define both BulÅ‚ying and Harrassment. The strategy of 'HAHASO' was introduced. Please be sure to ask your child what this stands for. 

Thursday, October 8, 2015

A Visit to Shelburne Museum

The day was perfectly beautiful and we could not have timed a visit to Shelburne Museum better! Students visited many stations including, 'print and press', 'circus building', 'toy shop', 'general store', 'railroad station', and  'The Ticonderoga boat'. Please be sure to ask your child about their visit 'back in time'.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Starting Monday with a visit from CESU's Occupational Therapist

Ms. Bailee Gordon, an Occupational Therapist with CESU paid us a visit this morning to help us learn ways to engage our attention during the day and to get movement while working in class. Please be sure to ask your child tonight about some of the ideas they learned about today.