Friday, March 29, 2013

Flags of Latin America

Cameron Marcus took the camera today and captured 'theme time'. Theme time is a 50 minute block every friday wherein we pull together as a whole team and often focus on the 'creative process' and integrate the current Social Studies or Science theme. Other theme times often include cooperative activities outside. Today students created flags from Latin American countries. The hallway has been brightened significantly!

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Marble Maze Challenge

For the past month in Math, students have been working in teams on 'The Algebra Mystery Maze'. In this mini-unit, students solved Algebra Chains, navigated mazes, designed individual mazes and for the grande finale, designed a marble maze. Today, student teams participated in the Marble Maze Challenge; competing to have the longest aggregated time. The Piathletes won the competition. Everyone clearly had fun, and best of all had some great experience collaborating and working on problem solving skills. The PiAthletes-Overall winners! Fun team names!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

On Mondays, we schedule a much needed motor break for the team before spelling/vocabulary time. Yesterday the conditions were perfect for snow sculptures.